Selected Publications (2000 – 2007)
Fleming, T. (2007). Introduction. In B. Connolly, T. Fleming, D. McCormack & A. Ryan, (Eds.), Radical Learning for Liberation 2, (pp. 4-8). Maynooth: MACE.
Fleming, T. (2007). Picking wild orchids and windflowers: Attachment theory and adult education. In B. Connolly, T. Fleming, D. McCormack & A. Ryan, (Eds.), Radical Learning for Liberation 2, (pp. 79-94). Maynooth: MACE.
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Fleming, T. (2007). Mind your own business: Towards a curriculum for lifelong learning. In A. Haverty (Ed.), Sustaining the lifelong learning odyssey, (pp. 40-56) Ennis: Clare VEC.
Fleming, T. (2007). Parents, partnerships and community: Attachment Theory and adult learning. In Mark, R. (Ed.), Researching adult learning: Communities and partnerships in the local and global context, (pp. 143-151). Belfast: QUB.
Fleming, T. (2007). Our parents as not so hidden partners: Attachment Theory and adult learning.’ At UK Standing Conference on University Teaching & Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA), Conference Proceedings, (pp. 143-151). Belfast. Link to SCUTREA
Fleming, T. & Murphy, M. (2006). The application of the ideas of Habermas to adult learning’ In P. Sutherland & J. Crowther (Eds.), Lifelong Learning: Concepts and Contexts, pp. 48-57. Routledge; London.
Fleming, T. (2006). ‘Education as Social Action: Knowledge, Identity and Power’ Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 8, 1, pp 55-56 (2006).
Fleming, T (2006). The university and democracy: Habermas, Adult learning and learning society.’ In T.A.F. Kelly (Ed.), What Price the University?: Perspectives on the Meaning and Value of Higher Education from the National University of Ireland Maynooth, (pp. 81-95). Maynooth: Department of Philosophy.
Fleming, T. (2006). A research register.’ In N. Colleran (d.) From the Inside Out: Emerging Perspectives in Adult and Further Education in Ireland, (pp.236-268), Nenagh: Tipperary VEC.
Fleming, T. (2006). Older adults lifelong learning and well-being.Lifelong Learning: Contexts and Challenges, Conference Papers, Age Action, Dublin.
Fleming, T. (2005). Adult education and lifelong learning. Studies in the Education of Adults, 37 (2), 224-225.
Fleming, T. (2005). Prison and civil society: A dialogue with educators’ Journal of European Prison Education Association, 28, 6-10.
Fleming, T. (2004). The state of adult education. The Adult Learner: The Journal of Adult and Community Education in Ireland, pp. 9-17.
Fleming, T. & Murphy, M. (2003). Partners in participation: Integrated approaches to widening access in higher education. European Journal of Education, 38(1), 25-39.
Fleming, T. & Murphy, M. (2003). College knowledge and common knowledge: What learning are we leading? Adult Higher Education Alliance Newsletter. 14(1), 2-3.
Fleming, T. (2003). Narrative means to transformative ends: Towards a narrative language for Transformation In C.A. Wiessner, S.R. Meyer, N.L. Pfhal, and P.G.Neaman, (Eds.), Transformative learning in action: Building bridges across contexts and disciplines (pp. 179-184) New York: Teachers College at Columbia University.
Fleming, T. (2002). Habermas on civil society, lifeworld and system: Unearthing the social in Transformation Theory. Teachers College Record, 2002, 1-17. URL:
Fleming, T. & Gallagher, A. (2002). In Trouble from Day One: Children in Clondalkin with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Clondalkin Partnership, Dublin.
Fleming, T. (2002). ‘Access and Accessibility: Where Student and Academy Meet.’ Invited keynote address at WERRC Conference on Women in Adult Education, UCD.
Fleming, T. (2000). Adding life to your years: Transformative learning for older people at the Irish Museum of Modern Art.’ In A. Jackson & D. Jones (Eds.) Researching ‘Inclusion,’ (pp. 92-98). Nottingham: Continuing Education Press of Nottingham University.
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Fleming, T.& Davoren, A. (2000). Adult learning in the museum.’ In A. Chadwick & A. Stannett (Eds.) Museums and Adult Learning: Perspectives from Europe, (pp. 188-196). Leicester: NIACE.
Fleming, T. & Murphy, M (2000). Between common and college knowledge: Exploring the boundaries between adult and higher education.’ Studies in Continuing Education, 22(1), 77-93. Click for copy
Fleming, T. & Murphy, M. (2000). Squaring the circle: An analysis of programmes in Dublin schools to prevent early school leaving. Dublin: Dublin Employment Pact. Click for copy
Fleming, T. & Murphy, M. (2000). The power and knowledge of the university: Rethinking access.’ Institute of Guidance Counsellors: Journal, 24, 65-72.
Fleming, T. (2000). Habermas, democracy and civil society: Unearthing the social in Transformation Theory. In C.A. Wiessner, S.R. Meyer & D.A. Fuller, (Eds.) Challenges of practice: Transformative learning in action, (pp 303-308). New York: Teachers College at Columbia University. Click for link
Fleming, T. (2000). Livslångt Iärlande: Ålderns utmaning. In 50+ Magazine: För Utveckling och Främjande av Livskvalitet efter 50, trans. Birgit Moback, 1, 10-11.
Fleming, T. & Murphy, M. (1997). College Knowledge: Power, Policy and the Mature Student Experience at University. Maynooth: MACE & Dublin: Department of Social Welfare. Click for link on US Gov ERIC.