Selected Publications
Fleming, T., Loxley, A., Kenny, A. & Finnegan, F. (2010). Where Next? A Study of Work and Life Experiences of Mature Disadvantaged Students in three Higher Education Institutions. Dublin: Combat Poverty Agency. Click for copy
Fleming, T. & Finnegan,F. (2010). Towards a critical theory of access and retention in Irish HE. In B. Merrill & P. Armstrong, (Eds.) Looking Back, Looking Forward: Learning, teaching & research in adult education past, present & future (SCUTREA), (p.132-135). Univ of Sussex: Centre for Continuing Education/SCUTREA. Copy
Fleming, T. & Finnegan F. (2010). Honneth and recognition as sensitizing concepts for narrative research. Position Paper for EU Research Project (RANLHE). Click for copy
Fleming, T. (2010). Equality and diversity in education. In The Equality Authority (Ed.) Equality in a Time of Change: Mainstreaming equality in FE, training and labour market programmes, (pp.42-47). Dublin: The Equality Authority. Click for copy
Fleming, T., Field, J., Morgan-Klein, N., Finnegan, F., Holliday, M. & West, L. (2010). On Structure and subjectivity, reproduction and transformation: Understanding non-traditional students in higher education. In B. Merrill & P. Armstrong, (Eds.) Looking Back, Looking Forward: Learning, teaching & research in adult education past, present & future, (p.126-140). Univ of Sussex: Centre for Continuing Education (SCUTREA). Link to copy
Fleming, T. & Finnegan, F. (2010). Retention and Progression in Irish Higher Education. Paper read at Higher Education Authority of Ireland Conference Retention and Progression in Higher Education in Ireland. Dublin, 2010.
Link to copy on HEA site
Fleming, T., O’Hagen, C., Toland, McAleavy, G. & Cornyn (2010). Peer mentoring for post compulsory teacher education. In P. McAllister & A. Pollock (Eds.) Reflective Practice: Challenges for Teacher Education, (pp. 172-174). Armagh: Centre for Cross Border Studies.Link to report
Murphy, M. & Fleming. T. (2009). (Eds.) Habermas, Critical Theory and
Education. New York: Routledge. Link
Fleming, T. (2010). Neoliberalism: The Implications for Lifelong Learning and Adult Education. Position Paper for EdD Module NUI Maynooth. Link to paper
Fleming, T., Finnegan, F., Johnston, R., Merrill, B. & West, L. (2009). ‘Exploring HE retention and drop-out: A European biographical research approach’ In P. Coare & L. Cecil (Eds.) Really useful research? Critical Perspectives on Evidence-Based Policy and Practice in Lifelong Learning (SCUTREA). (pp. 277-292). Centre for Continuing Education, University of Sussex. Click for copy
Fleming, T. (2009) Habermas o spozeczeństwie obywatelskim, świecie zycia i systemie: Odkrywanie spozecznego wymiaru teorii transformatywnej. Terazniejszość-Czlowiek-Edukacja (trans. A. Nizinska), 43(3) pp 29-47. Click for copy

Fleming, T., Finnegan, F., Johnston, R., Merrill, B., West, L., Alheit, P., Bron, A. Kurantowicz, E., A. Nizinska (2009). Access and Retention: Experiences of non-traditional learners in Higher Education: A Literarture review. Click for copy
Fleming, T. & Finnegan, F. et al. (2009). An overview of national statistics on retention and withdrawl in Higher education in six EU countries.
Fleming, T., McAleavy, G., McCarry, H. & O’Hagan, C. (2009). A study of work based learning models in support of post-compulsory teacher education. In SCoTENS (Ed.) School Leadership Policy and Practice - North and South, (pp. 162-164). Armagh: Centre for Cross Border Studies.
Fleming, T. (2009). Editorial Comment. The Adult Learner: Journal of Adult and Community Education in Ireland, pp. 7-12. (2009). Click for copy
Fleming, T. (2008). The awful truth and budgies: What liberation is offered by learning to prisoners? In C. Behan, (ed.) Learning for Liberation, Brussels: European Prison Education Association, pp. 6-16.
Fleming, T. (2008). A secure base for adult learning: Attachment theory and adult education. The Adult Learner, 25, pp. 33-53. Click for link
Fleming, T. (2008). We are condemned to learn: Towards higher education as a learning society. DIT Level 3 Journal, 6(1), pp. x-xx. Click for copy
Fleming, T. (2008). The university and widening access. In C. Hannon (Ed.) Mission Possible: Business and higher education working together to widen access, (p. 6). Dublin: Trinity College.
Fleming, T. (2008). Adult education for care and justice – Editorial. Crosscare 2(3), p. 1.
Fleming, T. (2008). Should adult educators study economics? Review of M. Yunus, M. (2003) Banker to the Poor: The Story of the Grameen Bank. London: Aurum Press. In The Adult Learner, 25, pp 113-115.
Fleming, T. (2008). Forward. In Donegal Community Education Forum (2008).
Community Education and Social Change, pp. 5-6.Donegal: County Donegal VEC.
Fleming, T. (2008). From No Man’s Land to Men’s Sheds. Explore 11, p 11.
Fleming, T. (2007). ‘Introduction.’ In B. Connolly, T. Fleming, D. McCormack & A. Ryan, (Eds.), Radical Learning for Liberation 2, (pp. 4-8). Maynooth: MACE.
Fleming, T. (2007). ‘Picking wild orchids and windflowers: Attachment theory and adult education.’ In B. Connolly, T. Fleming, D. McCormack & A. Ryan, (Eds.), Radical Learning for Liberation 2, (pp. 79-94). Maynooth: DACE. Click for copy
B. Connolly, T. Fleming, D. McCormack & A. Ryan, (Eds.), Radical Learning for
Liberation 2. Maynooth: DACE.
Fleming, T. (2007). ‘Mind your own business: Towards a curriculum for lifelong learning.’ In A. Haverty (Ed.), Sustaining the lifelong learning odyssey, (pp. 40-56) Ennis: Clare VEC.
Fleming, T. (2007). Review of M. Newman, (2006). Teaching Defiance: Stories and Strategies for Activist Educators. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. In The Adult Learner, 24, pp. 95-97.
Fleming, T. (2007). Our Parents as not so hidden partners: Attachment Theory and adult learning. In Mark, R. (Ed.) (2007) Researching adult learning: Communities and partnerships in the local and global context, (pp. 143-151). Belfast: QUB.Belfast/SCUTREA. Click for copy