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Dr. Ted Fleming is Emeritus Professor of Adult Education at Maynooth University, Ireland.

He is also currently adjunct Associate Professor of Adult Education at Teachers College Columbia University, New York (2016 - ).

Previously Associate Professor of Adult Education and Head of Department at Maynooth University Ireland and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Formerly a Senator on the Senate of the National University of Ireland.

Consulting or Associate Editor:
Journal of Transformative Education;
Adult Education: Critical Issues

Awarded a B.Sc. (MU) and a B.D. before earning M.A & Ed.D. at Teachers College, Columbia University New York with Jack Mezirow.

Also studied with Paulo Freire in Boston.

Received the 'Jack Mezirow Living Theory of Transformative Learning Award' (2014) for an  'original contribution to the development of the theory of learning' - writing on the critical theory of Axel Honneth. Link to paper.  In 2016 delivered the inaugural Mezirow Memorial Lecture at Columbia University. Link to paper 

Qualified skipper 'ISA Yachtmaster Offshore' & Certified Radio Operator

Homepage:   https://www.tc.columbia.edu/faculty/ejf2129/

Link to Research Gate:


Fleming, T. (in press, 2014). Foreword. Tom Hamill



Kokkos, A. & Fleming, T. (2024). Toward a pedagogy of critical and
social imagination: The arts and transformative learning.
Journal of Transformative Education, 22(4), pp. 397-414.

Fleming, T. (2024). The sociological imagination and
transformation theory: A tribute to Oskar Negt. In L. Fabbri, M. Fedeli,
P. Faller, D. Holt, & A. Romano, (Eds.), (2024). Proceedings of the
XV Biennial International Transformative
Learning Conference
(pp. 365-371). University of Siena, Italy. Click for link to paper

Fleming, T. (in press, 2024). Radicalization and transformative learning:
Explored through Honneth's theory of recognition.
Journal of Transformative Education.

Fleming, T. (2024). Work and the Socio-Economic Structure
of Ireland: Toward a Critical Work Theory.  In V. Wang (Ed.),
Working and Society, (Chapter 8). Kendall Hunt

Fleming, T. (2024). Let's talk about adult and further education: Teaching for democracy, social justice and the joy of learning. Paper at  Tipperary Education and Training Board Seminar for adult educators, Thurles, August, 23.

Fleming, T. (2024). The evolving landscape of learning theories:
Foreword. In V. Wang
The Theory and Practice of Adult Education,
(p. xi). Kendall Hunt.

Fleming, T. (in press 2024). Exploring 'Recognition' in the Recognition of
Prior Learning: Democracy, Freedom and the RPL.  PLAIO: International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice in Prior Learning Assessment at Empire State University, New York.

Fleming, T. (2024). Foreword. In
Wang, Kaiser, & Mitchell. Educational Leadership and Organizational Management: Bridging Theory and Practice (pp. iii-iv). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hall. ISBN 9798765796191

Fleming, T. (in press, 2024) Toward a transformative pedagogy of crisis
and experience. In L. Paulos, B. Merrill, S. Valdes, A. Galimberti, &
A. Fragoso, (Eds.), Adult education in times of crisis and change:
Perspectives on access, learning careers and identities, (pp. 17-31).
Faro: University of the Algarve.

Fleming, T. (2024). A Sociological Imagination: The Neglected Concept
in Transformation Theory. Adult Education Critical Issues, 4(1), 21–25.


Fleming, T. (2024). Literacy for Today and Tomorrow: Read the World
and Write History.
Keynote at Literacy Development Centre
Conference on Adult Education and Empowerment at
Technological University of the South East, Waterford, May 16.
Full paper - click here

Fleming, T. (2024). Democracy and VPL: Toward a 6-P Model of APL.
Opening keynote at 5th Biennale of the Validation of Prior Learning
Consortium hosted by QQI, Ireland, Canada and USA on
People, Validation and Power: Democracy in Action,
Kilkenny, May 7.

Fleming, T. (2024). Adult learning and experience of crises: Interrogating critical theory, democracy, and citizenship education. In A. Antonarakou, A. Tsiboukli, & K. Tsolis (Eds.), Διά Βίου Μάθηση και Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων την Εποχή της Αβεβαιότητας: Δρόμοι για την Κοινωνική Ένταξη και την Κοινωνική Συνοχή, (pp. 28-37). Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. ISBN 978-960-466-332-3.

Fleming, T. (2024). Experience and sociological imagination:
Transforming the researcher’s learner identity. European Journal for
Research on the Education and
Learning of Adults, 15(1), 13–26.

Fleming, T. (2024). 'Broken systems break people: The personal
and political implications of recognition in the workplace'.
Responder with Janet Ferguson & Peter Sawchuck at
George Washington University Seminar Series: Broken Systems
Repair: Cultivating a moral economy through essential
workers informal learning. 
January 31.


Fleming, T. (2023). New directions for the theory of transformative learning: Can it be a critical pedagogy for world crises?. Paper read at Teachers College Columbia University October 24. Click here for link
to Powerpoint slides

Fleming, T. (2023). Transformative Learning: The only game in town
in an era of change
and existential crises. Invited keynote at the

8th Congress of the Hellenic Association for Adult Education
- Learning and Change, September 30. Athens.

Fleming, T. (2023). Discourses, dialogue and diversity in biographical
research: An ecology of life and learning.

International Review of Education, 69, 737-741.

Click this link to paper

Finnegan, F. & Fleming, T. (2023). Adult education and critical
democratic citizenship: Revisiting key concepts in a time of crisis.
In T. Mabrey, T. Hoggan-Kloubert, & C. Hoggan, (Eds.), Civic
Education Across Ever-Changing Societies: Transforming lives, cultures, and nation-states, (pp. 19-44). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State
University Press.

Fleming, T. (2023). Transformative learning and experience: Fostering
new learning links between the personal and political.
International Journal of Adult Education and Technology, 14(1), 1-13.
https://doi.org/10.4018/IJAET.324930Transformative Learning and Experience

Fleming, T. (2023). Education and democracy: The public sphere
reclaimed for educational study. In M. Pulsford, R. Morris and R. Purves (Eds.), Understanding Education Studies: Critical Issues and New Directions (pp. 105-111). London: Routledge.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003296935-17

Click for copy of Chapter on Google Books

Fleming, T. (2023). Bridges and Fault lines in Freire’s Pedagogy and
Mezirow's Transformation Theory: Hegel, Theology and Teaching Adults.

Paper read at Hellenic Adult Education Conference/Webinar, Athens, Greece January 11, 2023.   Link to paper
Understanding Education Studies: Critical Issues and New Directions book cover

Fleming, T. (2023). Adult learning and experience of crises: Interrogating critical theory, democracy, and citizenship education.
Invited keynote at 1st International Conference Lifelong Learning and Adult Education in the Age of Uncertainty: at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, March 30. Click for text of Keynote Speaking Notes
Click for Powerpoint presentation

Fleming, T. (2023). Recognition and the critical theory of Axel Honneth: Implications for adult education and transformative learning. Webinar hosted by the Hellenic Adult Education Association, Athens
May 3.
  Click here for Powerpoint slides


Fleming, T. (2022). Mezirow's theory of transformative learning and Freire's pedagogy: Theories in dialogue. Adult Education: Critical Issues 2(2), 7-19.

Fleming, T. (2022). The importance of networking and synergies for the prosperity and sustainability of the city. Paper read at the Larissa Learning City Stakeholders Conference Action Plan for 2023, October 25 in the Auditorium of the Municipal Art Gallery.

Fleming, T. (2022). Toward a critical and transformative pedagogy of
crisis in a digital age: Insights from Oskar Negt.
Keynote paper at European Society for Research on Education
of Adults (ESREA) Conference Adult Education in times of crises
and change,
University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal July 14-16.

Fleming, T. (2022). Democracy and citizenship. Paper read at Roundtable with Katarina Popovic, Dimitris Deligiannis and Costas Lamproulis during Larissa (Greece) Global Learning Festival. Chairperson: Olga Tsiourva, November 7. Organized by Melton City Council and Wyndham City Council, Australia. https://globallearningfestival.com/
also movie showing Classical Greek drama and democracy:

Fleming, T. (with Eschenbacher, S.) (2022). Toward a Pedagogy of Trauma: Experiences of Paramedics and Firefighters in a COVID Era and Opportunities for Transformative Learning. Education Sciences, 12(10), 655. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12100655

Fleming, T. (2022). Transforming Everyday Experience: Transformative
Learning, Disorienting Dilemmas and Honneth’s Theory of Recognition.
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour,
52( 4), 563578.

Deligiannis, D., Kokkos, A., & Fleming,T, (2022). Larissa – Learning City: From Local Learning to Global Actions, Adult Education: Critical Issues, 2(1), 23-35.  Link to Journal and article

Fleming T. (2022). Views on experience and crisis
in researching work and learning. In S. Eschenbacher, T. Fleming, P. Sawchuk, & H. Salling Olesen,  A Dialogue across Traditions of Theorizing Learning. Papers
published in Sawchuk, P.H., & Mirchandani, K. (2022). Work, Learning & Social Change. Collected Papers of the 12th Researching Work and Learning (RWL12) Conference, (pp. 426-431). Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. https://www.oise.utoronto.ca/rwl12-toronto/wp-content/uploads/sites/76/elementor/thumbs/Color_H2-pnzvljoux17onolc61u7eyssg242hjtpi8tnoo9j56.jpg?130All_Roundtable_papers.pdf

Fleming, T. (2022). Mezirow’s Theory of Transformative Learning: In Dialogue with Honneth’s Critical Theory. In E. Kostara,
A. Gavrielatos & D. Loads (Eds.),
Transformative LearningKostara
Theory & Praxis
(pp. 4 - 14). London: Routledge.
DOI: 10.4324/9780429450600-2

Fleming T. (2022) Transformative Learning and Critical Theory: Making Connections with Habermas, Honneth, and Negt. In A. Nicolaides, S. Eschenbacher, P.T. Buergelt, Y. Gilpin-Jackson, M. Welch, & M. Misawa, (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Learning for Transformation
(pp. 25-43). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fleming, T. (2022). The Experience of Transformation: The Transformation of Experience. Keynote address at 14th Biennial International Transformative Learning Conference - co-hosted by Michigan State University & Grand Rapids Community College. Fleming Keynote

Fleming, T. (2022). Mezirow's theory of transformative learning
and critical theory: Oskar Negt and his reconstruction of experience. Paper at the 14th Biennial International Transformative Learning Conference at Michigan State University, East Lansing Michigan, April 7. Final_copy_Paper

Fleming, T. (2022). Mezirow’s Theory of Transformative Learning and Freire’s Pedagogy: Theories in Dialogue. Paper for webinar hosted by the International Transformative Learning Association, with A. Kokkos, Greece, C. Melacarne, Italy and José Eustáquio Romăo, Brazil. Speaking Notes

Fleming, T. (2022). Recognition and Democracy. Paper at The Institute of Civic Studies and Learning for Democracy Summer School at joint University of Augsburg, North Carolina State University and Deutch-Ukrainischer Dialog e.V . Funded by US State Department and German Government's Foreign Affairs programme Demokratie Leben.


Fleming, T. (2021). Dancing with Minds (trans. Πηνελόπη Μπόζνου/Pinelopi Bozuou)
News, Trands and Proposals in Adult Education - Newsletter of the
Hellenic Adult Education Association, p. 8. English Translation

Fleming, T. (2021). Εκπάίσευδη Ένηλίκων Χορευοντάς με τον νου, (trans. Πηνελόπη Μπόζνου). ΝΕΑ, ΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΗΝ  ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗ ΕΝΗΛΙΚΩΝ (p. 8). Αθήνα: Επιστημονική Ένωση Εκπαίδευσης Ενηλίκων (EEEE).

Fleming, T. (2021). Paulo Freire Remembered: Biography, theory and
Teaching. Paper at Maynooth University Centre for Research in Adult Learning and Education Conference: Making Hope Practical: A Dialogue on Freire. In collaboration with ESREA, November 16, 2021.

Deligiannis, D., Tsiougou, K., Goutha, V., Moutselos, A. &
Fleming, T. (2021). Citizenship Education for democratic and sustainable communities. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, the City of Larissa and the City of Yeonsu-Gu. Click for Link

Δεληγιάννης, Δ., Τσιούγκου, Κ., Γκούθα και, B. Μουτσέλος, Α. και T. Fleming, (2021). Εκπαίδευση στην Ενεργό ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΟΤΗΤΑ
για Δημοκρατικές και Βιώσιμες Κοινότητες. Ινστιτούτου Διά Βίου.Screenshot_(18)
Μάθησης της UNESCO, τις πόλεις της Λάρισας και της Yeonsu-gu.

Link to Book

델리야니스, 클레오니키 뜨시우구, 비키 고타, 안토니스 무셀로스
서론 저자: 테드 플레밍 (2021). 시민성 교육.  유네스코  평생학습연구소, , 라리사시, 연수구의   Link to book

Fleming, T. (2021). Recognition: Changing the Approach to Mental Health
through Active Inclusion in Further Education and Training. Keynote address at the Education and Training Board of Ireland Conference Showcasing Active Inclusion Practice across Education and Training Boards. Dublin November 18, 2021.Link to paper

Fleming, T. (2021). Democracy brings History and Hope together through Learning and Education. A paper at Roundtable during Conference on 200 Years of the Greek Revolution: Democracy
yesterday, today and tomorrow. Theme: Larissa, the Commune of Thessaly, the Greek Revolution and the Challenges of Democracy Larissa_October_2021
today in a time of Crises, November 13, 2021. Link to paper

Fleming, T. (2021) Resilience: A Learning Project for a Learning City. Paper at Roundtable on The contribution of Education to the formation of a Healthy and Sustainable City in the post-COVID era at 7th International Conference RELA_Coverfor the Promotion of Educational Innovation, of EEPEK, University of  Thessaly, Larissa. October 16 
Link to Paper

Fleming,T. (& S.Eschenbcher) (2021). Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Crisis. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning
of Adults (RELA), 12(
3), 295 - 309. 

DOI   10.3384/rela.2000-7426.3337
Link to RELA Journal copy

Fleming, T. (2021). Models of Lifelong Learning: An overview.IJAVTE_Page1_Image1
In M. London (Ed). Oxford Handbook of Lifelong Learning,
2nd edition, (pp. 1-26). New York: Oxford University Press.  

DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197506707.013.3     

Fleming, T. (2021). Learners as leaders, leaders as learners:
Education for active citizenship and social change.  Paper at Learners as Leaders: Developing Democracy through  Change-oriented Community Education in Ireland
Conference  during AONTAS Adult Learners' Festival 2021, Link to paper  

Fleming, T. (2021). Toward a critical theory of transformative learning:Screenshot_(210)_1_
Learning from Oskar Negt. International Journal of Adult Education 
Technology, 12(1), pp. 1-16.
  DOI: 10.4018/IJAET.2021010101
Link to Sample

Fleming, T. (2021). Foreword. In B.L. Leaver, D. Davidson & C.
Campbell Transformative Language Learning and Teaching
(pp. xxii-xxiii).  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 

DOI: 10.1017/9781108870788 Link to Foreword

Fleming, T. (2021). We survived Covid, now what?Foreword_Laver_book
The Place of Adult Education in an era of Long Covid. Paper at National College of Ireland Festival of Education Beyond the Covid Recovery: New Challenges for Education and Lifelong Learning, June 2021. Link to Powerpoint


Fleming, T. (2020). Youth, Democracy and Education: Well-being for all in a Time of Crises. Keynote at UNESCO Learning Cities Conference Strengthening Citizenship Education at Local Level with Larissa (Greece) and Yeonsu-gu (Republic of Korea). Int_Rev_of_EducNovember 13. Link to paper Link to Conference paper on YouTube

Eschenbacher, S., & Fleming, T. (2020). Transformative Dimensions of Lifelong Learning: Mezirow, Rorty and Covid-19. International Review of Education: Journal of Lifelong Learning. 66(5), 657-672.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11159-020-09859-6  Full text in pdf

Fleming, T. (2020). Foreword. In A. Kokkos, (Ed.), Expanding Transformation Theory: Affinities between Jack Mezirow and Emancipatory Educationalists (pp.xii - xvi). London: Routledge.
Link to Foreword

Fleming, T. (2020). Jürgen Habermas (1929- ): The importance of
higher education for democracy. In R. Barnett & A. Fulford (Eds.), Philosophers on the University:
Debating Higher Education. (pp. 191- 203). Heidleberg: Springer. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31061-5_15


Fleming, T., Kokkos, A. & Finnegan, F. (2019). European Perspectives
on Transformation Theory. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Link to Amazon

Fleming, T. (2019). Student Voice in Adult and Further Education:
A Charter for Listening, Speaking and Responding.
Paper at National Adult Education Association (AONTABarnett_Springer_on_Habermas_on_HES) Lifelong Learning Summit, Dublin November 18.Copy of paper

Fleming, T. (2019). Ár dTír Féin [Our Own Country]: The skills we need
for the future. In A. Lajoie, G. Irvine & S. Cohen (Eds.). 
Ensuring Good Future Jobs: A collection of essays (pp. 56-59).
Dublin: TASC & Dunfermline: Carnegie UK Trust
Link to essay

Fleming, T. (April 2019). Landscapes of Learning: Maps, Roadsigns
and other Allies on a Research Adventure. Keynote at
ESREA/University of Milan-Bicocca Spring School at Lake Como
School of Advanced Studies, Como, Italy. Theme: Lifelong
Learning and Social Justice: Dilemmas of Complexity in Researching Contemporary Adult
Education. Link to PaperPalgrave_2019

Fleming, T. (2019). Working with Adults: Challenges and Possibilities for Further Education. Keynote at Donegal Education and Training Board Conference on Social Inclusion. Letterkenny Donegal
September 27, 2019. Speaking Notes

Fleming, T. (2018). Προσθέτωντας ζωή στα χρόνια μας: Μετασχηματίζουσα Μάθηση για Ηλικιωμένους στο Ιρλανδικό Μουσείο Μοντέρνας Τέχνης, του (translated by Πηνελόπη Μπόζνου - Pinelopi Bozou). Hellenic Journal Adult Education.
42, 54-63. Link to paper88133944_196487968332004_4195522920308539392_n

Fleming, T. (2018). Education as a Public Good. Paper presented at the  Irish Adult Education Officers Association Annual Conference Portlaoise, November 29. Link to paper

Fleming, T. (2018). Democracy in times of crises. Course taught at
the Citizens' University Municipality of Larissa, Greece October 14.

Fleming, T. (2018). Education, Critical Thinking and
Imagination. Paper presented at Roundtable at the
4th International Conference on Innovation in Education at the University of ThessaLarissa_oct_2018ly Medical University, Larissa, Greece, October.

Fleming, T. (2018).
Attachment Theory and Transformative Learning:
Rethinking the Origins of Meaning Making. In M. Welch, V. Marsick &
D.Hope (Eds.), Building transformative community: Proceedings of the
XII Transformative Learning Conference (pp. 288-294). New York: Teachers College Columbia University. Link to paper

Fleming, T. (2018). Teaching for critical and transformative learning.
Paper at 1st Summer School: Building a Learning City, Larissa Greece.
Sponsored by Larissa City Council, Hellenic Open University,
Hellenic Adult Education Association and UNESCO.
(June 2018). 

Fleming, T. (2018). The Learning City: Questions from Citizens about Learning, Teaching and Education in a Democracy.
Paper presented at Larissa Conference at the Citizens University
of Larissa, Greece, (June 2018). 
Link to speaking notes

Fleming, T. (2018).Critical theory and transformative learning:
Rethinking the radical intent of Mezirow's theory.123394790_704775680169161_395934818627042788_n
International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and
logy, 9(3), 1-13.
Link to sample of journal article

Fleming, T. (2018). Mezirow and the Theory of Transformative
Learning. In V. Wang, (Ed.), Critical Theory and Transformative Learning, (pp. 120-136). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Click here for Chapter

Fleming, T. (2018). Learning Careers and Transformative Learning:
Challenges of Learning and Work in neoliberal Spaces. In B. Merrill, A. Galimberti, A. Nizinska and J. Gonzalez Monteaugudo (Eds.), Continuity and Discontinuity in LearLarisssa_Oct_2018ning Careers: Potentials for a Learning Space in a Changing World (pp. 19-34) Leiden NL & Boston: BRILL/SENSE. 
Sample Chapter 1

Fleming, T. (2017). Celebrating Learning. Presentation of Certificates and Awards at Henrietta Adult and Community Education, June 27th.

Fleming, T. (2017). Transformative learning and higher education:
Making critical theory useful. Invited paper at University of Edinburgh, Institute of IMG_8539Academic Development Conference (April). Link to paper

Fleming, T. (2017). Social Care Education: Where culture, politics and psychology Collide. Invited keynote at Carlow College Conference Celebrating 20-Years of Department of Social Care, Carlow (March).
Fleming, T., Finnegan, F. & Loxley, A. (2017). Access and Participation in Irish Higher Education. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fleming, T. (2017). The Joy of Learning. Invited paper at City of Dublin Local Education and Training Board Seminar for AONTAS Adult Learning Festival (March).

Fleming, T. (2016). No Democracy without Education: Training, Education and the FE Training Strategy. Paper delivered at the Limerick Clare Education and training Board Conference on
Further Education Dromoland, Co Clare (December).Wang_Critical_theory

Fleming, T. (2016). Dancing Minds: Mezirow and Habermas
meet Honneth. In Fleming, T., Marsick, V., Kasl, E. and Rose, A.
Dancing at the Crossroads: Recollections and Reflections on Jack Mezirow’s Early Work. Symposium paper at the XII International Transformative Learning Conference, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, USA. In
A. Nicolaides & D. Holt (Eds.). (2016). Engaging at the Intersections (pp. 87-99). Proceedings of the XII International Transformative Learning Conference: Tacoma, WA: Pacific Lutheran University. Link to papers

Fleming, T. (October, 2016). There is no democracy without education: Transforming cities through learning and adult education. Keynote paper at the 2nd Larissa Learning C232_reducedity International Conference - Seeking Common Actions in a Period of Crisis, Larissa, Greece, October 14-15. Link to Larissa site on Facebook

Fleming, T. (October, 2016). Recognition and Community Education. Presentation to the AONTAS Community Education Network, Dublin.

Fleming, T. (September 2016). Freire, critical theory and Ireland.
Paper delivered in response to Antonia Darder, keynote 'Paulo Freire
and the politics of literacy: The struggle for a revolutionary praxis of
adult education' at the 8th Triennial European Society for Research in the Educat13.1.18_Cover_Sense(3)_page_001ion o
f Adults Conference (ESREA) at Maynooth University (September 2016). Link to paper

Fleming, T. (October, 2016). Recognition of Learning - Learning to Recognise. Speech at Awarding of Special Purpose Certificates and Diplomas by Carlow Institute of Technology and An Cosán Virtual Learning Community College.

Fleming, T. (2016). Poverty and adult education. Paper read at United Nations International Day against Poverty Conference at An Cosán, Tallaght, Dublin (September 2016)
Link to paper

Fleming, T. (June 2016). Paulo Freire and Jack Mezirow: Adult education theories in dialogue. Panel paper at the ESREA 2nd International Transformative Learning Conference
The Role, Nature and Difficulties of Dialogue in Transformative Learning, Athens.

Fleming, T. (2016). Rethinking the critical theory influences on transformative learning: In dialogue with Honneth. Paper presented at the ESREA 2nd International Transformative Learning Conference: The Role, Nature and Difficulties of Dialogue in Transfor
mative Learning, Athens.  Link to paper

Fleming, T. (June 6, 2016). Toward a living Theory of Transformative Learning: Going beyond Mezirow and Habermas to Honneth. This is the text of the 1st Mezirow Memorial Lecture at Columbia University Teachers College sponsored by AEGIS IXX, the Department of Organization and Leadership and the Office of Alumni Relations at Teachers College.  You Tube version. Link to paper

Fleming, T. (2016). The labour market and further education: An ally? Paper at Conference of The Further Education and Training Forum at the National College of Ireland. Link to paper

Fleming, T. (2016). The critical theory of Axel Honneth: Implications for transformative learning and higher education. In V. Wang and P. Cranton (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Adult and Higher Education (pp. 63-85). Little Rock, AK: Information Age Publishing.
Fleming, T. (2016). Reclaiming the emancipatory potential of adult education: Honneth’s critical theory and the struggle for recognition. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 7(1), 13-24. Link to journal article

Fleming, T. (2015). Recognising Community Education. Commencement Address at An Cosan, Adult Education Centre, Dublin.

Fleming, T. (2015). Working with non-traditional students. Paper read at Limerick School of Art and Design Staff Seminar. Link to paper

Fleming, T. (2015). Indignation and the struggle for recognition: Learning Cities, transformative learning and emancipation. Invited keynote at Larissa City Council and Hellenic Adult Education Association Conference: Adult education and the Learning City, Larisssa, Greece. Link to paper

Fleming, T. (2015). Educating non-traditional students in higher education. Invited keynote at the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference on Understanding and Supporting Access Transitions in Higher Education at  University of Limerick+.

Fleming, T. (2015) The recognition turn in Honneth’s critical theory: Implications for transformation theory. Invited paper at Teachers College, Academic Festival.

Fleming, T. (2015). Studies in higher education classrooms: Belgium, Norway and Ireland. Association for Higher Education Access and Disability Conference: Universal Design for Learning, Dublin Castle.

Fleming, T. (2014). Seamus Heaney’s concept of ‘In-Between’ as an epistemological position for PhD researchers: A Forward. Trinity Education Papers, Dublin: Trinity College Dublin.Link to paper

Fleming, T. (2014). Axel Honneth and the struggle for recognition: Implications for transformative learning. In A. Nicolaides and D. Holt (eds.). Spaces of transformation and transformation of space. Proceedings of the 11th International Transformative Learning Conference  (pp. 318-324). New York: Teachers College.

Fleming, T. & González-Monteagudo, J. (2014). Theorizing student experience: Structure, agency and inequality. In F. Finnegan, et al. (eds.). Student Voices on Inequalities in European Higher Education: Challenges for Policy and Practice in a Time of Change (pp. 13-24). London: Routledge.

Fleming, T. & Finnegan, F. (2014). Critical theory and non-traditional student experience in Irish higher education. F. Finnegan et al., (eds.). Student Voices on Inequalities in European Higher Education: Challenges for Policy and Practice in a Time of Change (pp. 51-62).
London: Routledge.

Finnegan, F., Thunborg, C. & Fleming, T. (2014). Enduring inequalities and student agency: Theorizing an agenda for change in higher education. In F. Finnegan, B. Merrill & C. Thunborg (eds.) Student Voices on Inequalities in European Higher Education: Challenges for Policy and Practice in a Time of Change (pp. 151-162). London: Routledge.

Fleming, T., Golding, B., Evoy, J., Donnelly, T. & Hermers, D. (2014). Twelve tips for Men's Sheds to deal with research proposals. Dublin: Irish Men's Sheds Association Journal. Link to paper

Fleming, T. & Finnegan, F. (2014). A critical journey toward lifelong learning: Including non-traditional students in university. In A. Loxley, A. Seery & J. Walsh (eds) Higher Education in Ireland: Practices, Policies and Possibilities (pp. 146-159). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

O’Murchada, S. & Fleming, T. (2014). Supporting people with disabilities in higher education. Paper at Review of National Disability Policies and Strategies Conference at Mansion House Dublin.

Fleming, T. (2014). Imagining Further Education: The role of imagination in education. Invited keynote at Conference: Teaching and Learning in Further Education: Skills for 21st Century at National College of Ireland.

West, L., Fleming, T. & Finnegan, F. (2013). Connecting Bourdieu, Winnicott and Honneth: Understanding the experiences of non-traditional learners through an interdisciplinary lens. Studies in the Education of Adults, 45(2), 119-134.

Murphy, M. & Fleming, T. (2013). Between common and college knowledge: Exploring the boundaries between adult and higher education. In M. Murphy (ed.) Social Theory and Education Research (Vol. 1), (pp. 163-180). London: Sage.

Quirk, M. & Fleming, T. (Eds.). (2013). Journeys of Students with Disabilities from AHEAD'S 25 Year History. Dublin: Association for  Higher Education Access and Disability.  

(2013). Adult education for a change: Teaching and learning for the addiction professional. Paper presented at the National Health Research Board Conference: Twenty five year celebration of the National Documentation Centre on Drug Use, Dublin. 

(2013). Adult Education for the Addiction Professional. Invited Keynote address at STRADA and Scottish Government Conference: The Road to Recovery: Five Years On, University of Glasgow, Scotland.Habermas_poland2

Murphy, M. & Fleming, T. (Eds.) (2012). Habermas, teoria krytyczna i edukacja. Wroclaw, Poland: Academic Press.

Fleming, T. (2012). Review of Claudia W. Ruitenberg & D.C. Phillips (Eds.) (2012). Education, Culture and Epistemological Diversity: Mapping a disputed terrain. New York: Springer, in Teachers College Record. November 16, 2012
http://www.tcrecord.org.  ID Number: 16938

Fleming, T. (2012). The self in transformation: What gets transformed in transformative learning? In C.J. Boden & S.M. Kippers (eds.) Pathways to Transformation: Learning in Relationship (pp. 343-353). Little Rock, AK: Information Age Publishing.Pathways_to_Transformation_Boden

Fleming. T. (2012). Fromm and Habermas: Allies for adult education and democracy. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 31(2), 123-136.

Murphy, M. & Fleming, T. (eds.) (2012).Habermas, Critical Theory and Education Paperback Edition. New York: Routledge.

Fleming, T. (2012). 'Habermas, Critical Theory and Education'. Paper presented at Conference Pedagogika krytyczna dzis: Pytania o teorie i praktyke (Critical theory today: Questions about theory and practice) at the Pedagogical Institute, University of Gdansk, Poland.coverpage

Fleming, T. (2012). Education in Hard Times: The opportunities for adults learning. Invited paper at Gilson Summer School, Oldcastle. URL: http:laurencegilson.wordpress.com/

Fleming, T. (2012). Cinderella or Prince: History and other narratives of adult education in a university. Keynote address at EU Gruntvig Conference New Dynamics of Learning & Aging: Research, Policy and Practice  at NUI Maynooth, March 2012. 

Fleming, T. (2012). 'Working and linking together in times of change.' Paper read at Link-Up and Learn Community Education Conference, Dodder Valley Partnership, Tallaght, (May 23, 2012).


Fleming, T. (2011). Recognition in the work of Axel Honneth: Implications for TransfLondnormative Learning Theory. In M. Alhadeff-Jones & A. Kokkos, (Eds). Transformative Learning in Time of Crisis: Individual and Collective Challenges (pp. 95-101). New York: Teachers College.

Fleming, T. (2011). Models of Lifelong Learning: An overview. In M. London (Ed). Oxford Handbook of Lifelong learning, (pp. 29-39). New York: Oxford University Press.

Finnegan, F., Fleming, T., Kurantowicz, E. & Nizinska, A. (2011). Uczenie się i uznanie: Doświadczenia studentów i badaczy  w projekcie RANLHE. Terazniejszosc - Czlowiek - Edukacja, 53(1), 7-19. 
Link to Polish Version

Finnegan, F., Fleming, T., Kurantowicz, E. & Nizinska, A. (2011). Learning and recognition: Experience of learners and researchers in RANLHE project. Terazniejszosc - Czlowiek - Edukacja, 53(1), 7-19. English version

Journal_Cover_2011_compres_1_Fleming, T & Finnegan, F. (2011). Cultural and Institutional Perspectives on Access and Retention of Non-Traditional Students in Irish HE: A Research Report. RANLHE, University of Wroclaw, Poland.

Fleming, T. & Finnegan, F. (2011). Non-Traditional Students in Irish Higher Education: A Research Report. RANLHE, University of Wroclaw, Poland. Published copy of report

Fleming, T., Loxley, A., Kenny, A. & Finnegan, F. (2010). Where Next? A Study of Work and Life Experiences of Mature Disadvantaged Students in three Higher Education Institutions. Dublin: Combat Poverty Agency. Click for copy

Fleming, T. & Finnegan,F. (2010). Towards a critical theory of access and retention in Irish HE. In B. Merrill & P. Armstrong, (Eds.) Looking Back, Looking Forward: Learning, teaching & research in adult education past, present & future (SCUTREA), (p.132-135). Univ of Sussex: Centre for Continuing Education/SCUTREA. Copy

Fleming, T. & Finnegan F. (2010). Honneth and recognition as sensitizing concepts for narrative research. Position Paper for EU Research Project (RANLHE). Click for copy

Fleming, T. (2010). Equality and diversity in education. In The Equality Authority (Ed.) Equality in a Time of Change: Mainstreaming equality in FE, training and labour market programmes, (pp.42-47). Dublin: The Equality Authority. Click for copy


Fleming, T., Field, J., Morgan-Klein, N., Finnegan, F., Holliday, M. & West, L. (2010). On Structure and subjectivity, reproduction and transformation: Understanding non-traditional students in higher education. In B. Merrill & P. Armstrong, (Eds.) Looking Back, Looking Forward: Learning, teaching & research in adult education past, present & future, (p.126-140). Univ of Sussex: Centre for Continuing Education (SCUTREA). Link to copy

Fleming, T. & Finnegan, F. (2010). Retention and Progression in Irish Higher Education. Paper read at Higher Education Authority of Ireland Conference Retention and Progression in Higher Education in Ireland. Dublin, 2010.

Link to copy on HEA site

Fleming, T., O’Hagen, C., Toland, McAleavy, G. & Cornyn (2010). Peer mentoring for post compulsory teacher education. In P. McAllister & A. Pollock (Eds.) Reflective Practice: Challenges for Teacher Education, (pp. 172-174). Armagh: Centre for Cross Border Studies.Link to report

Murphy, M. & Fleming. T. (2009). (Eds.) Habermas, Critical Theory and Education. New York: Routledge. Link

Fleming, T. (2010).
Neoliberalism: The Implications for Lifelong Learning and Adult Education. Position Paper for EdD Module NUI Maynooth.
Link to paper


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