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Dr. Ted Fleming is Emeritus Professor of Adult Education at Maynooth University, Ireland.
He is also currently adjunct Associate Professor of Adult Education at Teachers College Columbia University, New York (2016 - ).
Previously Associate Professor of Adult Education and Head of Department at Maynooth University Ireland and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Formerly a Senator on the Senate of the National University of Ireland.
Consulting or Associate Editor:
Journal of Transformative Education;
Adult Education: Critical Issues; Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society;
Teraźniejszość - Człowiek - Edukacj;
International Journal of Adult Education and Technology (IJAET);
Hellenic Journal of Local Development and Self-Government.
Awarded a B.Sc. (MU) and a B.D. before earning M.A & Ed.D. at Teachers College, Columbia University New York with Jack Mezirow.
Also studied with Paulo Freire in Boston.
Received the 'Jack Mezirow Living Theory of Transformative Learning Award' (2014) for an 'original contribution to the development of the theory of learning' - writing on the critical theory of Axel Honneth. Link to paper. In 2016 delivered the inaugural Mezirow Memorial Lecture at Columbia University. Link to paper
Qualified skipper 'ISA Yachtmaster Offshore' & Certified Radio Operator
Homepage: https://www.tc.columbia.edu/faculty/ejf2129/
Link to Research Gate:
Fleming, T. Working and Ireland. In Working and Society.
Fleming, T. (in press, 2014). Radicalization and Transformative Learning: Explored Through Honneth’s Recognition Theory. JTED.
Fleming, T. (in press, 2014). Foreword. Tom Hamill
Fleming, T. (2024). The sociological imagination and
transformation theory: A tribute to Oskar Negt. In Fbbri, L.,
Fedeli, M., Faller, Holt, D., & Romano, A. (Eds.), (2024). Proceedings of the XV Biennial International Transformative Learning Conference (pp. 365-371). University of Siena,
Italy. Click for link to paper
Fleming, T. (2024). Let's talk about adult and further education: Teaching for democracy, social justice and the joy of learning. Paper at Tipperary Education and Training Board Seminar for adult educators, Thurles, August, 23.
Fleming, T. (2024). The evolving landscape of learning theories: Foreword. In V. Wang The Theory and Practice of Adult Education, (p. xi). Kendall Hunt.
Fleming, T. (in press 2024). Exploring 'Recognition' in the Recognition of
Prior Learning: Democracy, Freedom and the RPL. PLAIO: International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice in Prior Learning Assessment at Empire State University, New York.
Fleming, T. (2024). Foreword. In Wang, Kaiser, & Mitchell. Educational Leadership and Organizational Management: Bridging Theory and Practice (pp. iii-iv). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hall. ISBN 9798765796191
Fleming, T. (in press, 2024) Toward a transformative pedagogy of crisis
and experience. In L. Paulos, B. Merrill, S. Valdes, A. Galimberti, &
A. Fragoso, (Eds.), Adult education in times of crisis and change: | |